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2023-05-11 20:36:32

I won't be able to play "Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" anytime soon, but for those who are, I've got some wallpapers for you.

Based on the official artwork, I composed some wallpapers.

Here they are for desktop screens and here they are for mobile screeens.

They should be big enough for any device so that you can arrange them as you like :)

posted by docower

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2023-05-01 20:27:11

Today we finished creating the Xenoblade 3 PNG artworks - meaning, the official artworks with transparent backgrounds. You can find the rest in our Xeno gallery.

I also updated our "Best version" page of Final Fantasy VI.

After playing the "Pixel remaster" edition I decided that this is the best version. It has the better translation, crisp visuals, a great soundtrack and it looks nice on 16:9. The only drawbacks is stuttering scrolling and missing content when compared to the GBA version.

posted by docower

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2023-04-16 10:09:46

I had some time this morning and removed the backgrounds from even more Xenoblade Chronicles 3 artworks.

I think they've come out pretty well, although the original images weren't so great in quality.

It's a pity that Nintendo can't decide how to treat rpg-o-mania.

I've talked to representatives from Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo US, and they all like this magazine a lot.

But Nintendo of Germany can't grant full press access as the website is in English, Nintendo of Europe demands that the website is German and Nintendo US points towards Nintendo of Europe as they're not responsible for websites outside of, well, America.

We still love their games here, though :)

posted by docower

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2023-04-14 20:59:21

Today we have some additions to our Xenoblade art gallery with artworks from Xenoblade Chronicles 3.

I'm playing this game since January, and up until now, I really like it. I've been told that the game's quality should dwindle after chapter 5, but I can't confirm that yet.

I tried to remove the white background from the images.

posted by docower

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2023-03-26 17:47:59

More Final Fantasy art online in our Final Fantasy gallery!

The art is from Final Fantasy VII, but the game it's from is Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius.

The Final Fantasy VII art looks a lot like the original designs from back in 1997, pose-wise.

There's also a piece of Exvius original art there.

Square Enix loves their free to play mobile games, but the game still contains gacha mechanics, so it's nothing we cover more in-depth here at rpg-o-mania.

posted by docower

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