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2023-12-12 12:14:13

Today, I added some huge artworks to our Final Fantasy VII Rebirth gallery.

To be perfectly honest, I'm still not sold at the concept of the "new" Final Fantasy VII.

Square Enix puts so much effort into a game that is based on an old game whilst trying to create something new at the same time they try to tie it somewhat on the older story. But then again, they spend so much time in-game telling people that this story is somewhat different.

I always hear people how they talk about when they expect this character to appear here, or how that character survived where they did not in the original game.

I barely hear how the story itself works on its own - the matter of discussion is always just old characters and changes in the storyline without ever noticing how Final Fantasy 7 R - at the end, all of them - will work out as an individual experience for people who never played the original Final Fantasy VII.

posted by docower

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2023-12-08 09:04:09

Oh wow, Square Enix released a new trailer for a new "Seiken" or "Mana" game - Visions of Mana. And it really looks like it was a back-to-the-roots game.

The whole game has a "Trials of Mana" remake feel to it, but this time with a group of fixed characters.

It looks very charming. And there has a new artwork been released, which we uploaded into our Seiken gallery.

Mana games are always a mixed bag - some are great, some mediocre. I really hope that this one will fall into the "great" category!

posted by docower

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2023-11-20 19:09:06

Gosh, I caught some cold last week. I wasn't basically able to move and do anything other than lie down in bed.

This also somewhat stalled my newly begun playthrough of Star Ocean 2, which I didn't want to associate with being sick.

But I was able to at least extend our review of Final Fantasy VI and our recommendation of the best Final Fantasy VI version.

I have some other projects up my sleeve, but I'm still not completely healthy. I'll update again as soon as I feel better :)

posted by docower

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2023-11-05 09:45:33

Yesterday, I finished Final Fantasy VI pixel remaster - I have to adjust the review of the game a bit as well as my recommendations - expect this to be updated shortly.

Other than that, I tired out the Star Ocean 2 R Demo, and I really liked it, despite the fact that I usually don't like HD2D games so much. And I didn't have the best experiences with Star Ocean 2 at all.

Still, there are a few great images online at our Star Ocean gallery.

Here is our original Star Ocean 2 review from back in 2005: Click here.

I also updated our Final Fantasy VI screenshot gallery!

Like mentioned in previous times, I usually don't prmote screenshot updates, so be sure to check them out from time to time if you see a game you fancy listed.

posted by docower

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2023-10-22 14:08:46

Oh wow, there's lots of new interesting information about Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming extension "Dawntrail" available.

It looks pretty good so far. It's a new country, new places, new jobs - and what's most interesting for rpg-o-mania, new art.

I mean, you're probably not here, in this little corner of the internet, to read about news for mainstream games. :)

Anyway, the artwork is to be found in our gallery.

It's interesting how Final Fantasy XIV has become part of my life. I play it two times a week with friends, and even if things cooled down a bit now that Endwalker is out for two years, it's still a blast and more than just a game - it's the reason I enjoy playing with friends.

And yet, it's also a game to enjoy with great stories to be found here and there.

The visuals are starting to look a bit dated (especially on the PlayStation 5), and Dawntrail promises to bring new visuals, better effects and lighting, and better textures.

I'm very curious!

posted by docower

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