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2022-05-08 20:38:54

Today I added some more Final Fantasy Origin: Stranger of Paradise art.

The game itself, as strange as it looked upon initial release, seems to be better than anticipated.

I got some recommendations on social media as well as some YouTube videos.

posted by docower

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2022-05-03 20:18:35

Nothing too big today. I added two nice images from Echoes of Mana to our Seiken gallery.

The game is free, maybe I try it out someday on my mobile phone, although I don't really get too attached to games on my phone.

Other than that, that's all for today. Expect more smaller update in the near future, as my schedule is really tight these days 😅

posted by docower

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2022-04-26 21:11:36

The problem when you're a webmaster of a small website is, that you have to decide between maintaining the site itself or add new content.

This time, I maintained the site and expanded one of it's feature - the search and find functionality.

Our searchmaster now offers the option to search all the news entries of rpg-o-mania.

posted by docower

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2022-04-24 19:09:48

The past few weeks, I played "The Cruel King and the Great Hero". My verdict can be seen in our review.

I also added some screenshots.

In short; I really liked the game, but it got pretty boring towards the end. In fact, I almost thought about quitting it without having fought the last boss. Details can be found in the review linked above!

posted by docower

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2022-04-14 19:33:24

Some neat artworks from Final Fantasy XIV have been added to our corresponding gallery.

Can you imagine that I'm STILL playing this game after so long? I've never put so many hours into one game, and considering my life situation the past years, this makes XIV practically the only game I can afford to play.

Still, I try to continuously add stuff from other RPGs here as well.

posted by docower

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