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2022-11-06 09:02:01

I'm currently playing Star Ocean 6. It's, as far as Star Ocean games go, about what players could expect. It seems it's not a true AAA game, but it has lots of heart and some really beautiful locations.

The gameplay is fast paced (and sometimes outright annoying, as it should be for Star Ocean), the music is pleasing, and the characters are likeable.

Of course, I'm going to compose a real review once I finished the game.

posted by docower

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2022-11-01 20:42:44

Today I published our review of Wonder Boy in Monster World, the third game of the "Monster World" series.

I got this game as one of the first ones on my Mega Drive in 1994, as I loved the Wonder Boy for a long time already at this point.

Still, it took me years to finish it, as the final boss in the US / EU version was so damn hard.

But with the "Wonder Boy Collection" available, which offers a rewind option, I was able to beat the boss, and I really enjoyed the game again.

posted by docower

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2022-10-24 21:20:49

I'm currently playing "Asha in Monster World" for the first time. It's a really nice action adventure. Here at rpg-o-mania, we do like our fair share of action adventures, like we've shown in our love for the Zelda games.

There's also a review about Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap online.

One for its successor, Wonder Boy in Monster World will follow soon.

Until then, enjoy some artwork for various Monster World games.

posted by docower

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2022-10-16 19:50:51

When I first finished Breath of Fire 2 back in 1996, I was fascinated how the game had a name for every inhabitant of its world.

I never could read all of the names, as the font is hard to read and the screens fade out quickly.

So, this time I thougt I'd capture every screen and write down all the names I found there.

And ta-daa: Here they are: The Breath of Fire 2 credits!

posted by docower

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2022-10-11 20:43:18

After so many years, my review about Breath of Fire 2 is online. You can check it out here.

As you'll see in the review, I love the game so much. It was hard to rate it fairly (but I think I managed in the end).

I played it for the first time in about 20 years recently, and I forgot many things. In the end, I'm glad I did the replay.

And I also noticed that the reviews here start to look like Wikipedia articles with all the references :D

posted by docower

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